Friday, May 21, 2010


SCOTTISH butcher Paul Boyle (pictured with his wife) celebrates winning TWO British titles by making more pies.
The Bathgate-based businessman, who has twice won the World Scotch Pie Championship, beat a record field to take the fish pie category and the vegetarian division at the British Pie Championships.
Boyle, 52, of Boghall Butchers, Boghall, Bathgate, won the fish pie crown last year with the same pie, a cod and white wine creation.
Last year he had puff pastry on top but this time he had to have a lid following a rule change.
That was the only alteration to the recipe for the pie he sells three times a week in his busy shop in the middle of a council housing estate.
His haggis, potatoe and turnip pie is hugely popular and is on sale every day.
Boyle, a former chef, said: “The vegi pie is a big seller over a big cross section of customers, from workmen in boiler suits to housewives.
“The cod and white wine pie is also a good seller, but not as good as the vegi one. We’re absolutely delighted with the double win.
“Last year we upped our turnover and drew a lot of new customers to the shop with our success in the British Championships. We’re expecting to the same this time.”
He added: “It’s great to keep winning awards. I’ve won the World Scotch Pie Championship twice, once in 2009 and also in 2005, and I’ve also won three British titles in two years.
“Winning keeps the name of the shop in the headlines and brings new customers from all over. However, we’re also proud to serve our regular customers who have helped us grow the business to a position where we now have nine staff.”
Scotland also claimed three runners-up spots. Stuart’s of Buckhaven, Fife, were second with their Apple Pie while Perthshire-based Simon Howie Butchers of Dunning was second in the Football Pie category. He supplies to Celtic Park.
And Nevis Radio were second with their venison pie made by Nevis Bakery of Fort William.
Over 20 top Scots piemen entered the British Pie Championships including three World Scotch Pie champions – the current holder, Murdoch Brothers from Forres, plus Stuart’s of Buckhaven and Boghall Butchers of Bathgate. This year’s event generated a record field of 122.
They submitted 713 products for judging – a 40 per cent increase on the first British Pie Championships 12 months ago – at the event in Melton Mowbray.
Fife-baker and butcher, Alan Stuart, founder of the World Scotch Pie Championship, now in its 11th year, said: “This is once again a testament to Scots bakers and butchers who continue to supply quality produce.
“Scots won four a number of major awards last year but the competition was tougher and the challenge was really on. We’ve won two this year and earned three runners-up prizes. That is tremendous and winning awards generates a tremendous amount of positive publicity with translates into sales.

FOR THE RECORD: In 2009, Paul Boyle of Boghall Butchers, Bathgate, won the Best Fish Pie in Britain title, A J Learmonth of Jedburgh produced the Best Savoury Pie in Britain, Macdougall and Hastie of Inverness with the Best Football Pie in Britain and the Best Apple Pie in Britain title went to Stuart’s of Buckhaven.

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